
Poetry uses language in a musical, imaginative way. It uses devices such as rhythm, sound pattern, rhyme, imagery, assonance, alliteration, and repetition.
Sample some of the following activities to learn more about poetry.

The following are places to go (some real and some virtual) to find out about poetry.
Hear classic poetry read aloud
Travel to Wales and meet poet, Dylan Thomas.
Virtually visit the real Flanders Field that Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918) wrote about in his famous poem.
Get to know Emily Dickinson. She only published 10 poems in her lifetime
Meet Ezra Pound. He was born in Idaho but spent most of his life in Europe
Get acquainted with Henry David Thoreau. He liked to live in harmony with nature
Spend some time with Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. He wrote poems about American legends like Paul Revere and Miles Standish and Hiawatha
Meet the current Poet Laureate of Utah
Meet Robert Frost. He won the Pulitzer Prize for poetry in 1924, 1931, 1937, and 1943
Meet Robert Pinsky. He's the Poet Laureate of the United States
Meet T.S. Elliot. His writing style was influenced by Dante
Meet 13 of America's most famous modern poets and explore their lives and works
Get to know Walt Whitman. He first published Leave of Grass at his own expense
Get to know William Blake. Not only was he a poet, he was also a skilled artist and engraver
Spend some time with William Butler Yeats. He was also a playwright.
Use the "Find a Poem" section of this site to locate your favorite verse. There's also an audio section where you can hear poetry read
Have students read from the online poetry collection
Let students hear poems being read rather than reading them silently. According to this site, poems are meant to be read out loud
Find out the format for writing haiku and see many examples
Learn about The Mahabharata. It is the world's longest poem. The epic poem describes events that took place around 5,000 BC in India
Move words around on a cyber-magnetic board to create your own poetry
Read a sonnet a day from their random sonnet generator or search for your favorite sonnet by Shakespeare, Elizabeth Barret Browning, and others

- Malley, Barbara Beyer. Rhyme Time: Poems and Activities for the Elementary Grades. Carthage, IL: Fearon Teacher Aids, c1992.
- Potts, Cheryl. Poetry Galore & More With Shel Silverstein. Hagerstown, MD: Alleyside Press, c1994.
- Wainwright, James. Poetivities: Guiding Creative Poetic Expression Successfully in the Elementary Grades. Carthage, IL: Good Apple, c1989.