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Interior Design I
Interior Design II
Interior Design, Advanced
Interior Design II
This course provides students the opportunity to develop skills in applying the elements and principles of design to interiors. Projects are integrated throughout the course to provide applications as the students study: architecture, furniture styles and constructions, surface treatments and backgrounds, design and function of space and lighting. Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education. Student leadership and competitive events (FCCLA) may be integrated into this course.

Students will discuss demonstrate understanding of the elements and principles of design.
Standard 2: Review principles of design. (STEM: math, science)
Performance Objective 1: Student will complete a project based on the principles and elements of design.
Students will identify architectural features and styles.

Standard 2: Identify the American adaptations of housing styles such as:
American Architecture
American Architecture Study Guide
American Architecture Study Guide Key
American House Video Notes Guide
Ancient Architecture
Ancient Architecture Study Guide
Ancient Architecture Study Guide Key
Architecture Field Study
Beauty of the Night
Famous Architects
Performance Objective 2: Complete a project related to architectural styles and features
Architect Presentation Critique
Architect Presentation Grade Sheet
Architect Research Report
Architecture Portfolio Table of Contents
Architecture Scavenger Hunt
Gingerbread Rubric
Looking at Architecture

Students will understand components of contract documents - a set of plans that a builder uses. (STEM: engineering)
Performance Objective 3: Draw, draft or trace a portion of a floor plan. (STEM: math)
Students will identify and explain various interior surface treatments, backgrounds and lighting.

Standard 1: Identify various textiles and factors that lead to the selection of specific textiles. (STEM: science, technology)
Student Weaving
Standard 2: Identify floor treatments and factors that lead to their selection.
Surface Treatment Review
Standard 3: Identify ceiling and wall treatments and factors that lead to their selection.
Faux Painting Techniques
Student Note Taker
Walls and Ceilings 1
Walls and Ceilings 2
Wall Treatments
Standard 4: Identify window treatments and factors that lead to their selection.
Windows and Window Treatments
Standard 5: Discuss natural light (light provided by sun, moon, and fire) and artificial light (light from incandescent, halogen, fluorescent, and LED).
Beauty of the Night
Students will distinguish features of selected furniture styles and characteristics of quality furniture.

Standard 2: Identify illustrations of furniture parts and features.
Furniture Types
Furniture Types Key
Standard 3: Identify illustrations of furniture types.
Standard 4: Discuss construction techniques used in upholstered furniture.
Standard 5: Discuss the construction techniques used in case goods (wood furniture used for storage).
Performance Objective 4: Complete a project related to furniture styles and features.
Students will understand the elements of an appropriate visual presentation.
Standard 2: Students will practice established techniques to create a neat and well developed presentation board.
Performance Objective 5: Students will design a presentation board and description for one or more rooms. (It is suggested students do the FCCLA STAR event scenario for Interior Design Board preparation)